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FHIS Awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM)

Exciting News! 🎉

We are incredibly proud to announce that FHIS has been awarded the prestigious Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM)! 🏆 This recognition celebrates all of the hard work and dedication of our staff, children, and community in making our school a truly inclusive environment where every child is supported to succeed, thrive, and feel valued. 🌟

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey – together, we are creating a place where inclusion is at the heart of everything we do!



Oftsed May 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,


Following our inspection by Ofsted on 21st and 22nd May 2024, I am now able to share the final report with you all. We are delighted to tell you that Ofsted have judged Falconer’s Hill Infant School to be a GOOD school, with Personal Development to be judged as OUTSTANDING. We are extremely proud of this positive outcome which is a testament to the care and commitment of our staff, the support of our parents and carers, and of course, a celebration of our wonderful children.


At FHIS, visitors that spend time in our school, frequently leave with a strong impression of both the children’s and staff’s enthusiasm, happiness, supportiveness, and kindness. Our Ofsted report captured this:


“Pupils love coming to this school, and their attendance is high. They say that it is a very good place to be, because they know that staff care for them and want them to be ‘safe, loved and happy’. If ever they feel worried, they can sit on the ‘safe chairs’, where they know staff will help them. They explain to visitors how everybody is kind and gets on well together. There are, they say, ‘no outsiders - everyone’s welcome!’ Lunchtimes and breaktimes are happy times, when pupils enjoy the big outdoor spaces to play games and chat. Children feel secure from the Reception Year onwards. This is because highly trained staff show them how lessons work at Falconer’s Hill, and how everyone must behave.”


The report also acknowledged that staff who teach and support your children are skilled, have high expectations and secure subject knowledge:


All staff at this school work closely together to make sure that every pupil can flourish. The school’s well-planned curriculum, and its consistently effective delivery, ensure that pupils leave ready for their next school. The education and care provided meets the needs of all pupils. This includes those who are disadvantaged and/or vulnerable.”

The report recognised how inclusive FHIS was stating that: “Across subjects, the education pupils receive is good. A particular strength is how well lessons are adapted for those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). These pupils receive precisely planned provision that meets their needs. The school’s work has resulted in it being one of the very few in England to receive the Global Inclusion Award.


We are delighted that Ofsted have recognised the strengths and the work that has been done so far and we are keen to further coach our new subject leaders to ensure they are as strong as our established curriculum leaders. 


We are very pleased with the outcome of our inspection and you will be able to read more about the inspector’s judgements in the published report.


Thank you to every member of the school who are working tirelessly to ensure FHIS remains a great place for children to learn. Also, thank you to parents and carers for your welcome support. FHIS will continue to build on our successes.


Please find the Ofsted report on our school website. The report will also be published on the Ofsted website towards the end of next week.

Thank you once again for your continued support. 

 Kind wishes,

Mrs Rachel Edkins, MA

Executive Headteacher
















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