Intent & Implementation:
Our Reading curriculum at FHIS is designed to ensure all children know that reading is an open door to all other learning opportunities. They understand that reading frequently makes them a good reader, and being a good reader expands their world. Our children will embrace their own individual reading journey and will celebrate their reading milestones as they develop new strategies, learn new words, explore different genres, discover unknown authors, experience unfamiliar settings and unpick hidden meanings. By continually reflecting on their own reading journey, our children will not only be able to read, but most importantly, will want to read.
We do this through:
Developing children’s competence in both dimensions of reading: word reading and comprehension.
Prioritising reading for our early and developing readers; giving them the knowledge and skills to decode, learn and recognise a growing bank of words.
Ensuring Quality First Teaching, where every child is treated as an individual, and additional support is put in place to make sure all children can ‘keep up’.
Fostering an appreciation and love of reading for all of our children.
Developing curious learners who confidently participate in dialogue by questioning, relating to, expressing views and engaging in discussions around a range of quality, engaging texts.
Placing books, texts and images at the heart of daily school life.
Ensuring all of our children transition to Year 3 as enthusiastic, fluent and confident readers.
Early Reading at FHIS:
We teach early reading in the following ways:
Playing with the English Language: Our youngest children are encouraged to have fun and 'play' with the English language. From rhyming words to role play, the emphasis is to get children attuned to the sounds around them and ready to begin developing oral blending and segmenting skills. Listening to stories and words and different genres.
Teaching our children to read words: Every child in Reception and Year 1 have daily, highly structured phonics sessions followed by guided reading sessions. Each child is provided with decodable readers for use at home which can be read independently and link with the structured sessions the children enjoy daily in class.
Teaching our children to understand the words they read: All children across the school have access to weekly 'Vocabulary Ninja' sessions which are based on developing children's understanding of vocabulary in all areas of the curriculum. Vocabulary is also taught and supported with the use of widgits across the whole school.. By enriching the language experience of all our children, we are closing the vocabulary gap while widening access to our engaging curriculum.
Reading for understanding: Each phonics session is followed by a reading session led by a member of our staff, along with daily Whole Class Guided Reading in KS1. We have an early reading coach/teacher who supports all staff in the delivery of each session; ensuring consistency in quality of resources, delivery and high expectations for all children. Our staff received high quality and ongoing CPD to support them in the delivery of these sessions.
Reading for a purpose: Children are taught the skills of reading though the 'Reading Vipers' to aid their comprehension of the texts they are reading.
V = Vocabulary
Ensuring our children understand the meaning of the words they mean in context supplemented by daily word aware sessions.
I = Inference
Being able to infer actions, thoughts and feelings using their understanding of the text and their wider experiences.
P = Prediction
Using evidence from what they have read and what they understand to predict what will happen next and how this will affect the plot of the narrative.
E = Explain
Use evidence to explain their answers to specific questions
R = Retrieve
Find information from a text quickly to support wider learning.
S = Sequence (KS1)
Accurately pick out the main events and order these based on the sequence of events within a reading stimulus.
Our Reading culture:
At FHIS we build a reading culture that promotes a love for reading and where reading is at the heart of our curriculum. We use reading logs at home / school for children to log their home reading and for the parents to keep track of their phonics reading in school.
Every class teacher reads a class chosen novel or picture book daily to the class as part of our daily Storytime the book is a level above the class's reading ability to again promote their rich language acquisition. Every Thursday we also have a whole school story time assembly. Staff and Year 2 children read a chosen story to the whole school during this assembly this again builds our passionate reading culture.
Daily story times
Daily story time in all classes is a non-negotiable of the school day. Teachers are supported by the reading leader to ensure they have access to a wide range of books to ignite a love of reading in their class. these story time across school are reflective of children’s interests, cross-curricular links and to ensure a wide range of genres, cultures and diversity are included in the children’s reading ‘diet’.
Celebrating Reading:
Children have book review raffle tickets which they fill in it at home, return to school and enter the weekly raffle to win a new quality rich reading book. At FHIS, we celebrate, promote and enjoy reading through our special celebration days such as World Book Day, World Poetry Day, National Storytelling week and Sponsored Reading Week.
Our Reading Spine at FHIS:
Our 'Reading Spine' is one element of the approach we take to foster a love for reading in our children. The spine is a core of books that create a living library inside our children's minds. It is a store of classics and essential reads that help children engage at a deeper level and enter the world of the story. We have produced our very own 'Reading Spine' for every year group so that children have access to these high quality texts.
Reading as a fundamental part of English lessons and units of writing work are planned around and based on a quality text. Texts are mapped out across school to link with topics where appropriate and to ensure coverage of a range of genres, themes, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays, authors, classical texts, new releases and best -selling authors.
Our Whole class reading uses the KS1 VIPER READING SKILLS to predict, retrieve, sequence, infer, visualise, clarify, question and explore vocabulary. The progression of these skills is shown on our VIPERS Reading Progression of skills documents for Year 1 and Year 2. EYFS to use reading sessions to promote the love of reading and to learn how to immerse ourselves in quality books/texts/poems.
Our Reading Environment at FHIS:
At FHIS we pride ourselves on providing a reading-rich learning environment. Classrooms provide a wealth of reading books through our book trolleys, reading displays and opportunities for reading for enjoyment. Our recently renovated library space, provides a current, exciting reading space with access to a range of texts and genres. Children in all classes have opportunities to visit the library and children in KS1 use this space to change and choose their pleasure for reading book. Our reading environment doesn’t just stop inside! We love reading outside using our reading shed, in our ‘Magical maze’, providing our children with the opportunity to share, read and enjoy books outdoors.
Phonics at FHIS:
We follow the Government approved, systematic synthetic phonics programme: Read Write Inc for our phonics teaching. Sessions run for 40 minutes a day in small groups where children are taught to recognise sounds, read decodable green words, red tricky words and alien words. They then practise spelling these words and writing them down. Children are taught to apply their phonics skills and improve fluency through the Read Write Inc story books in used during these sessions.
Our pupils learn to read effectively and quickly using the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme.
Intent: Read Write Inc. Phonics :
The programme is for:
Pupils in Year R to Year 2 who are learning to read and write
In Read Write Inc. Phonics pupils:
Decode letter-sound correspondences quickly and effortlessly, using their phonic knowledge and skills
Read common exception words on sight
Understand what they read
Read aloud with fluency and expression
Write confidently, with a strong focus on vocabulary and grammar
Spell quickly and easily by segmenting the sounds in words
Acquire good handwriting….
And love reading!
In addition, we teach pupils to work effectively with a partner to explain and consolidate what they are learning. This provides the teacher with opportunities to assess learning and to pick up on difficulties, such as pupils’ poor articulation, or problems with blending or alphabetic code knowledge. We group pupils homogeneously, according to their progress in reading rather than their writing. This is because it is known that pupils’ progress in writing will lag behind progress in reading, especially for those whose motor skills are less well developed.
Implementation of Phonics:
In EYFS we emphasise the alphabetic code. The pupils rapidly learn sounds and the letter or groups of letters they need to represent them. Simple mnemonics help them to grasp this quickly. This is especially useful for pupils at risk of making slower progress. This learning is consolidated daily. Pupils have frequent practice in reading high frequency words with irregular spellings – common exception words.
We make sure that pupils read books that are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and the common exception words. This is so that, early on, they experience success and gain confidence that they are readers. Re-reading and discussing these books with the teacher supports their increasingly fluent decoding.
Alongside this, children have access to non-fiction texts within their Read, Write Inc Phonics session to apply phonic knowledge and learning to other genres.
Embedding the alphabetic code early on means that pupils quickly learn to write simple words and sentences. We encourage them to compose each sentence aloud until they are confident to write independently. We make sure they write every day.
Pupils write at the level of their spelling knowledge. The quality of the vocabulary they use in their writing reflects the language they have heard in the books the teacher has read to them; they have also discussed what the words mean.
Our aim is for pupils to complete the phonics programme as quickly as possible. The sooner they complete it, the sooner they will be able to choose books to read at their own interest and comprehension level.
How we assess and track children’s progress
We assess all pupils following Read Write Inc. Phonics using the Entry Assessment. We use this data to assign them to either Read Write Inc. Phonics and Read group. This gives us a very good indication of how well they are making progress relative to their starting points. We do this for all pupils, whenever they join us, so we can track all of them effectively, including those eligible for the pupil premium.
For those on the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme, we record their starting date and entry point on the tracker to monitor the rate at which they are making progress. We can also easily identify those who joined the programme later. We have high expectations of our pupils’ progress. We attribute this to the programme and to the expectations it builds in.
Pupils who are making slower progress usually complete the programme by the end of Year
2. We support pupils who have identified special educational needs for however long it takes until they can read. For example, we identify those who are at risk of falling behind their peers immediately – whatever their age. Highly trained staff tutor them for 15 minutes every day, using the Read Write Inc. One-to-one tutoring programme. If a child arrives in Key Stage 2 reading below their chronological age or with English as an additional language they are taught Read Write Inc. Phonics until they too catch up with their peers.
The programmes’ ‘cycle of instruction’ means that, after direct instruction and guided practice, the pupils teach another pupil. In this way they all rehearse and consolidate what they have been learning. This helps the pupils to make their understanding clear to themselves and helps the teacher deal with any misconceptions. ‘Partner teaching’ is a key assessment tool. We also use this approach very effectively in other subjects.
In Read Write Inc. Phonics, because the pupils are grouped across the school in terms of their reading ability, they are reading at an appropriate decoding level every day. The homogeneous groups in the Phonic lessons help us to focus the teaching and ensure pupils learn to read quickly.
Staff teaching Read Write Inc. Phonics record the results from the Assessments 1 and 2, which take place every eight weeks. This data allow us to intervene in different ways. For instance, we quickly move pupils to another group if they are progressing faster than their peers. Those who continue to struggle have one-to-one tutoring so that they keep up.
Pupils falling behind make accelerated progress
Pupils in the ‘lowest’ attaining group have the widest variety of needs. This is therefore the least homogeneous group. In order to give these pupils, the same carefully targeted teaching as all the other groups, some of these pupils have daily one-to-one tutoring for 10 minutes at least 4 times a week, in addition to their group session in the morning. This tutoring helps us to meet their individual needs. Once these pupils have learnt to read they will receive additional support when learning to spell.
At the end of Foundation at FHIS Children at the expected level of development will:
At the end of Key Stage 1 at FHIS Our pupils are able to read aloud age-appropriate texts accurately and with sufficient speed for comprehension. This means that we can focus on developing their comprehension, preparing them well for transition to Key Stage 2. They recognise and read with all the alternative graphemes and recognise and read common suffixes and exception words. Their good decoding skills mean that they have a sound strategy for decoding unfamiliar words when they come across them at whatever stage or in any subject, even into secondary school. During the children’s time at FHIS, they will have developed pleasure in reading and be motivated to do so, sharing favourite books and authors. They also will participate in discussions about books and poems they have read to them. Children will be able to ask and answer questions about a text; using reading skills taught. |
RWI Feedback and Marking:
We emphasise constructive feedback. For example, we praise pupils for how hard they work together to ensure that their learning is successful. We have clear systems for marking pupils’ work. Pupils know their teacher’s expectations for each activity. We mark short activities with the pupils in the lesson. Extended pieces are marked afterwards. We discuss the outcomes with the group and individuals so that the marking is genuinely used to take forward pupils’ learning.
Reading at Home:
Home reading books are phonics based and exactly match our phonics program to ensure books closely match the sound being taught in lessons. Children take these home every three days and parents are encouraged to support their children in reading these. The systems for parents to hear their children read is:
Read 1 : Read and decode
Read 2: Read for fluency
Read 3: Read for expression and understanding
There are also activities and questions for them to complete in the front and back of the books. We support parents with our twice-yearly Reading Workshops to help develop their confidence when reading with their child and to promote the importance of regular reading practice.
Children progress through the reading levels in line with our phonics program and this is again closely tracked.
We support pupils to select appropriate books to take home, depending on what support they might receive at home. Pupils who receive little help take home books that they have already read in the Read Write Inc. Phonics lesson. This means that they are confident to read at home, even if their parents cannot read with them. Pupils also take home stories and non-fiction that they cannot yet read for themselves but that can be read to them, we call these ‘Pleasure for Reading’ books. We encourage children to read widely and often. We use our home-school reading log, to record and celebrate reading at home and school.
Quality of Teaching and Pupils’ progress:
The headteacher and reading leaders monitor pupils’ progress together until every child can read.
No child is left behind to struggle! We record lesson observations and any subsequent coaching alongside the ‘teacher tracker’ so that we can see if there is a correlation between the quality of the teaching and the progress pupils make.
The Read Write Inc. ‘cycle of instruction’ is embedded across the curriculum – MTYT, TTYP. Pupils do not raise their hands to answer questions.
Close grouping in Phonics is maintained – pupils are moved on quickly.
The purpose of each activity is clear to both teachers and pupils.
Planning and marking is thorough.
In Phonics, pupils read books at home that closely match their word reading ability.
In Literacy and Language, pupils read widely and often at home.
Teaching is monitored thoroughly (see Leadership and Management).
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare:
Pupils have very positive attitudes to the programme. Their good behaviour and the virtual absence of low-level disruption in lessons contribute to the progress they make. We support this behaviour by using silent signals for gaining their attention, for setting up partner routines, and for managing the way pupils move around the classroom. Everyone uses the same signals. The teachers are encouraged to use these strategies in other lessons, too, so that the approach to behaviour is consistent throughout the day.
We believe that the partner work and the homogeneous groupings organised to teach Read Write Inc. Phonics, help the pupils learn to work together. Effective partner work has the benefit of helping pupils to work closely with others – especially those who are not their best friends. Quick bonding activities help new partners to get to know one another. Boys and girls, first and second language learners, assertive and reticent pupils, and pupils of different ages learn to get on together. Potential bullying is explored and discussed so pupils know how this can develop and how to deal with it if it does.
Pupils are taught the manners and behaviour that are necessary to work with adults and other pupils. Adults are expected to demonstrate positive attitudes and good manners, and to act as role models for pupils. Praise for hard work and good behaviour is fundamental to pupils’ progress. The values of courtesy, consideration and kindness are at the heart of every lesson, taught through the programme and embedded in other lessons. All the staff use the same positive strategies for behaviour management across the school. Working well together, as part of a team, is at the core of the school’s work – for staff and pupils.
The programmes are intensive and cumulative, so poor attendance severely disrupts the progress of any pupils who are absent, for however short a time. One of the teachers acts as the attendance manager, Mrs Dwyer and our Parent-Link Liason Officer, Mrs Birch. They track, monitor and arranges a meeting with the reading leader or headteacher and the parents of the pupils who have poor attendance and low reading ability.
1. |
All staff use the Management signals consistently in and out of lessons. |
2. |
Partner work is modelled and practised until pupils work willingly and supportively with pupils who are not their friends. |
3. |
Praise is fundamental in helping pupils make progress and behave courteously. |
4. |
Staff are consistently kind, considerate to each other and to pupils – no shouting, shushing and nagging. |
5. |
Pupils attend every day, unless poorly. |
Effectiveness of Leadership and Management: Our Shared RWI Vision
The school’s shared vision is that every pupil learns to read quickly and continues to read – widely and often. The headteacher works with all the staff to ensure that this happens. In particular, she/he works closely with the reading leader/ English leader to monitor the quality of teaching and to provide coaching for staff (teachers and teaching assistants). The role of the reading leaders are critical. Alongside the headteacher, the reading leaders drives the teaching of Read Write Inc. Phonics, ensuring that all pupils follow the Literacy and Language programme by the end of term 1 Year 2.
At FHIS, we have three Reading Leaders that work collaboratively to promote and support the teaching and learning of Phonics across the school.
Their roles include:
ensuring that our teaching of reading is of the highest quality and that all our pupils make progress
ensuring pupils in the ‘lower progress’ group are making good progress and organising one-to-one tutoring for the pupils who need extra support
keeping the groups homogeneous, i.e. at the same reading level
providing further training (through masterclasses, coaching/ observation and face-to- face feedback).
Miss Giles can give this support every day because she does not teach a group herself. All Staff alert the reading leader to any pupil whose progress is faster or slower than the rest of their group.
The reading team is made up of a team of good teachers and LSAs who receive regular, evidence based training each teach a group of pupils at the same reading level.
Professional Development
A key element of Read Write Inc. is consistent whole-school practice, underpinned by appropriate professional development. The headteacher, all the teachers and teaching assistants are trained to teach reading. All staff have attended two-day Phonics training and the trainer has returned to support us on subsequent development days. We hold at least two Development Days every year to ensure we are aware of up-to-date practice. Literacy and Language teachers have had an additional two-day training and are also supported through Development Days.
In fortnightly masterclasses, staff analyse teaching and behaviour steps that set the agenda for the next week’s observation and feedback schedule.
All staff are trained and the school books regular Development Days.
The reading leader does not have a reading group.
The reading leader spends every Read Write Inc. lesson coaching and observing reading teachers - and keeps records.
The Literacy and Language leader is released for fortnightly observations/ coaching and face-to-face feedback.
The headteacher observes lessons with the reading leader/Literacy and Language leader. They discuss pupil progress and the teacher tracker every week.
The reading leader meets with the reading team every week for a 30-minute masterclass – focusing on one activity.
The Literacy and Language leader meets with teachers fortnightly for a 30-minute masterclass – focusing on one activity.
The reading leader organises regular workshops with parents.